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Exploring Solutions: Scientific Publications on Marine Litter
Welcome to our collection of scientific publications focused on addressing the pressing issue of marine litter. As part of the TouMaLi project, these studies delve into innovative research and practical solutions to combat pollution in marine environments, particularly in the MENA region and beyond. Our work combines cutting-edge methodologies and strategic insights to foster sustainable practices and enhance ecosystem health. Explore our publications to discover how we are bridging the gap between theory and practice for a cleaner, more sustainable future.

The following links will take you to the publications published as part of the TouMaLi project that address the issue of marine litter in the MENA region.

  1. Towards Solving the Beach Litter Problem: Ecosystem Service Assessments at North African Coasts: 
    Read the full publication here or click here to read a summary of the publication : This research provides valuable insights and innovative solutions to tackle beach litter pollution on the North African coast. 
  2. Marine Macro-Litter (Plastic) Pollution of German and North African Marina and City-Port Sea Floors: 
    Read the full publication here. This paper examines the extent of plastic pollution on the sea floors of marinas and city ports in Germany and North Africa, highlighting the sources and impacts of macro-litter in these marine environments.
  3. Assessment of Ecosystem Services Provided by Macrophytes in Southern Baltic and Southern Mediterranean Coastal Lagoons: 
    Read the full publication here. This study evaluates the ecosystem services offered by macrophytes in coastal lagoons of the Southern Baltic and Southern Mediterranean, providing insights into their ecological importance and potential contributions to mitigating marine litter.
  4. Efficient Beach Litter Monitoring: Accelerated Surveys of Pollution Hotspots—A North African Case Study:
    Read the full publication here or click here to read a summary of the publication. This study focuses on innovative methods for monitoring beach litter in North Africa, offering accelerated survey techniques to identify pollution hotspots.
  5. Assessment of Beach Litter Pollution in Egypt, Tunisia, and Morocco: A Study of Macro and Meso Litter on Mediterranean Beaches:
    Read the full publication here. This research evaluates the levels of macro and meso litter on Mediterranean beaches in Egypt, Tunisia, and Morocco, providing a comprehensive assessment of beach litter pollution in these regions.
  6. Beach Wrack on Baltic and Mediterranean Sea Beaches: Litter Pollution and Management Perspectives
    Read the full publication here.  This study investigates the litter pollution associated with beach wrack on Baltic and Mediterranean Sea beaches, examining its management perspectives and the potential input paths of litter.
  7. Extended Sector Responsibility—The Tourism Sector as a Driver for Improved Waste Management in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia
    Read the full publication here. This publication examines the role of the tourism sector in driving improved waste management in Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia through the innovative "Extended Sector Responsibility" (ESR) model.

Publications at Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research (IOW)
These publications are part of the TouMaLi project, focusing on the transfer of methods from the Baltic Sea to the Mediterranean.

  1. Aerial and underwater drones for marine litter monitoring in shallow coastal waters: factors influencing item detection and cost-efficiency:
    Read the full publication here. This research investigates the use of drones for monitoring marine litter in shallow coastal waters, analyzing factors that affect detection efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
  2. Emission, Transport and Retention of Floating Marine Macro-Litter (Plastics): The Role of Baltic Harbor and Sailing Festivals: 
    Read the full publication here. This paper explores the dynamics of plastic litter in the Baltic Sea, examining how harbor activities and sailing festivals contribute to the emission, transport, and retention of floating macro-litter.
  3. Decomposition Behavior of Biodegradable and Single-Use Tableware Items in the Warnow Estuary (Baltic Sea):
    Read the full publication here. This study assesses the decomposition rates of biodegradable and single-use tableware in the Warnow Estuary, providing insights into their environmental impact and potential for reducing marine litter