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The Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT), consisting of 25000 graduate students and 1000 researchers, is represented on different campuses in the Egyptian Cities of Alexandria, Cairo, Port Said and Aswan and has had many achievements in education, training, consultation and research within the fields of maritime transport, engineering, and management sciences for more than 40 years. AASTMT has a strong partnership and cooperation with Plastic Technology Centre (PTC) which is founded in 1980 as a cooperation between the Egyptian Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). At TouMaLi AASTMT is in charge of coordination and implementation of the local activities among partners, target groups and actors in Egypt.

Contact Info:

Prof. Alaa Abd El Bary

aaelbaryataast [dot] edu (aaelbary[at]aast[dot]edu) 
