Hafen Rabat
Prevention of Tourism Marine Litter (TouMaLi)

Reducing Tourism Marine Litter in Northern Africa through the Contribution of a Sustainable Waste Management System

About 85 % of floating marine litter and 45-95% of surface marine litter consist of plastics. Much of this waste originates from the tourism sector which represents one of the most vital industries of the local economies.

North African countries are currently facing challenges in dealing with increasing marine pollution, which require legal, financial, institutional and technical solutions. Therefore, the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) is funding the "TouMaLi" project, which is being carried out as part of the BMU's 2020 funding program against marine litter.

TouMaLi contributes to the reduction of waste flows into the seas of the MENA region caused by tourism, while promoting circular economy solutions such as the reduction and reuse of unavoidable waste in Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt.

The project, led by the University of Rostock and supported by a consortium of eight other institutions from academia, think tanks and businesses, as well as local political partners, aims to significantly reduce marine litter until 2025 through the following measures: baseline assessment of marine litter pollution, development of an overall strategy for waste management, awareness raising, and capacity building as well as knowledge transfer to key stakeholders in the target region, such as hotels and communities.

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Marine Litter Beach Monitoring in Practice, e-learning course ‘Coastal and Marine Management’
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E-Course series "Marine litter in the coastal and marine environment"
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Klick on the link to get to the overview of videos for "Coastal and Marine Management" E-learning webinar series, developed by the Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde (IOW) under the TouMaLi project. This comprehensive series is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and tools needed to address the pressing challenges of marine litter and coastal management. Through a series of expert-led lectures, viewers will explore the sources, impacts, and innovative solutions to marine litter, with a particular focus on European and North African coastlines.
TouMaLi Facts
MENA countries
Consortium partners
4 years
Project duration
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A project labelled by the UfM:
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TouMaLi awarded with the "Champion of Plastic Pollution Prevenetion in the Mediterranean" Title
Champion of marine litter prevention Logo
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Honorary title, in recognition of the voluntary action taken in combating pollution from plastics, awarded by the EU funded “Water and Environment Support (WES)” project, in partnership with the Union for the Mediterranean and the Mediterranean Action Plan of the United Nations Environment Programme

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University of Rostock
Additional Information - IKI Independent Complaints Mechanism (ICM)
The IKI Independent Complaints Mechanism (ICM), serves as an important tool to address potential negative social and environmental impacts of IKI projects (like TouMaLi). It offers a platform for reporting instances of corruption, improper fund usage, and ensures adherence to international best practices. Complaints can be lodged via email to the IKI Independent Complaint Mechanism at, in either English or the complainant's national language. If possible, including an English translation is encouraged; however, if unavailable, the IKI Complaints Mechanism (IKI UBM) will undertake the translation and respond in the language of the complainant.